Industrial Radiation Shielding Solutions

As the world’s leading provider of industrial radiation shielding solutions, Veritas is proud to announce that it has recently expanded its product range to include a range of modular shielding solutions and radiation-shielded door systems suitable for all industrial radiation applications. With over 25 years of experience in the design and manufacture of medical, energy, and nuclear shielding products, Veritas is the perfect partner for any business looking to improve its workplace safety standards and value.

Veritas’ flagship product, the Verishield® Modular Radiation Shielding, the alternative to a high-density shielded block and lead bricks is a highly versatile solution that can be adapted to suit any size or type of facility. The system comprises a series of modular high-density blocks that can be quickly and easily installed by our team of experienced engineers, providing an effective 100% guaranteed barrier against harmful radiation.

For businesses requiring a more bespoke solution, Veritas also offers the SmartDoor® Shielded Entry System – a tailor-made door system designed to provide maximum protection against radiation while still allowing for easy, safe, and fast access. Both systems are backed by our team of experts, who are on hand to provide advice and support throughout the designing, planning, and implementation process.

At Veritas, we are committed to excellence in everything we do – from the products we manufacture to the level of customer service we provide. Our team of highly skilled engineers and physicists has years of experience in designing and installing radiation shielding solutions, so you can be confident that you’re in safe hands when you choose us as your partner. Contact us today to find out more about our world-class products and services.

Radiation-shielded vault using modular VeriShield block Industrial Radiation Shielding

Radiopharmaceutical Manufacturing & Cyclotron Shielding

Radiopharmaceuticals are an important part of medical care, used for both the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions. VeriShield is a leading provider of industrial radiation shielding solutions, with a focus on quality and customer service excellence. The company’s latest technology and installation techniques construct world-class vaults for accelerator- and cyclotron-produced radiopharmaceuticals, meeting the critical needs of patients and advancing clinical research. Veritas’ modular shielding solutions, the alternative to high density concrete block including SmartDoor Shielding and shielded vaults, and peripheral shielding, provide the highest levels of protection against radiation exposure with a 100% shielding guarantee. With over 25 years of experience in the field, Veritas is your trusted partner for all your radiation shielding needs.


Non-Destructive Imaging Industrial Radiation Shielding

High Energy X-Ray Inspection Services – Non-Destructive Testing

As a leading provider of industrial radiation shielding solutions, Veritas Shielding Solutions is your one-stop source. Our modular shielding systems, VeriShield are designed to meet the specific construction needs of your application, while our SmartDoor shielding door provides a safe, fast, and effective barrier against radiation exposure. Our team of radiation experts is dedicated to providing the highest level of radiation attenuation, customer service, and excellence in all that we do. From cargo inspection to product screening, our solutions are tailored to meet the unique safety needs of your business, whether you are in the aerospace, medical device, electronic, automotive, or defense industries, we have the experience and expertise to provide the quality shielding products and services you’d expect. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you protect your people and property from radiation exposure.

LEARN MORE ABOUT Non-destructive X-ray Testing

Veritas shielded rooms, door systems and peripheral shielding.

Fission - Fusion Energy Generation and Research Industrial Radiation Shielding

Fission / Fusion Energy Generation and Research

Production of reliable nuclear power through advanced technologies, Veritas has the Industrial Radiation Shielding solution for you. Development of innovative bio-shield designs and components to retain strength and attenuation levels under neutron loads and high temperatures. Veritas designs maximize shielding attenuation while assisting with activation/waste/recyclability issues associated with nuclear facilities.
Veritas exterior vessel shielding, storage bunkers and bio-shield stockpiles.

Small Modular Reactors (SMR) Industrial Radiation Shielding

Small Modular Reactors (SMR)

The International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) is spearheading an effort to standardize the design of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), in order to facilitate their safe and secure deployment. As part of this initiative, the IAEA is working with Veritas Shielding Solutions to explore the potential for incorporating VeriShield technology into modular industrial radiation shielding designs.

VeriShield is a patented, modular, high-density block that has been shown to be 100% effective at radiation attenuation. It is lightweight and flexible, making it well-suited for use in modular shielding applications. Additionally, VeriShield is non-toxic and can be easily decommissioned and dismantled, making it an environmentally friendly option for SMR applications.

The IAEA’s goal is to create a set of international standards for SMR design and construction that will help ensure the safe and secure deployment of these reactors around the world. By incorporating VeriShield into modular shielding designs, the IAEA believes that it can make a significant contribution toward achieving this goal.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you protect your staff and property from radiation exposure.

NorthStar Beloit

Case Study

Check out the latest case study. In this case, Veritas scope of work included design, construction and installation of the radiation shielded vault to house IBA 40 MEV TT300-HE accelerators and surrounding rooms.