Superior shielding regardless of production scale for radionuclide and radiopharmaceutical facilities
Veritas offers pre-engineered designs for comprehensive radionuclide and radiopharmaceutical facilities producing radioisotopes. Our designs can help meet the regulatory demands of radiation protection and assist with the multitude of factors of successful implementation of the shielded vault design. We offer shielding solutions for either reactor or cyclotron-produced radiopharmaceuticals used for diagnosis, therapy, theranostics, or research applications. Our designs range from 30 MeV cyclotrons with multiple beam lines manufacturing multiple radionuclides to small PET radiopharmaceutical production centers. Veritas can help you plan and implement an effective shielding solution for your facility.
VeriShield Construction
The new system of dry-stacked, lead-free shielding modules is a groundbreaking innovation in construction and radiation shielding. The modular design allows for a tight, radiation-leak-free vault of any size or shape. The unique sine-wave-shaped modules provide superior neutron, photon, and particle attenuation. This minimizes activation through neutron capture reactions and addresses the formation of secondary high-energy neutrons, associated with high-energy irradiation. This new system is a major advance in the field of radiation shielding and will have a significant impact on patient care.

With reduced loads and shielding thicknesses compared to poured concrete shielding, VeriShield modular radiation shielding blocks offers the flexibility to:
Design and build a new facility including Shielded Hot Cells
Add on to an existing facility to accommodate programmatic growth
Maintain or renovate an existing facility
Improve and maintain overall environmental quality
Ensure that all regulatory requirements are met, including radiation protection and industrial hygiene

Veritas SmartDoor®
Veritas SmartDoor shielded door systems are available to provide unmatched shielding and operational performance both inside and outside the shielded structure.
Taking into account your unique production requirements, Veritas will work towards the best solution to assure the safe production of radionuclides and make sure your facility not only meets today’s standards, but can be easily adapted to future conditions. No other shielding method provides a comparable blend of attenuation performance, convenience and affordability.

Proven Technology